Mentor / Coach

Framework career guidance for young people



Career guidance councellor



Focus areas

For counselors of young people in the primary education process (teachers, mentors, coaches), the roles and expertise are described for four focus areas:

*All focus areas:

  Scroll further down this page for information about all focus areas.

*Specific focus area:

  Are you interested in a specific area of interest? Then choose from the following focus areas:

Download your overview

After you have entered your points of attention for each area of interest, you can download the list of role descriptions and expertise together with your points of interest.

PLEASE NOTE: the download only works if you use the ‘attention fields’. You can describe for each area of interest what you still want to work on or what you want to discuss with a colleague later. A field of attention has been included for both the roles and the expertise. The letters in parentheses in the descriptions below refer to the source documents used for this framework. An overview can be found at the bottom of this page.

  • Vision and policy advice

  • Role description

  • Take note of the career guidance philosophy and objectives of their own institution (A, C4 The letters in brackets refer to the documents (downloads) in which these role descriptions are described (both directly and indirectly and often in other words). See the key on page 28 and 29.)

  • 4 The letters in brackets refer to the documents (downloads) in which these role descriptions are described (both directly and indirectly and often in other words). See the key on page 28 and 29.
  • Take note of current career education and guidance theories (A, C)

  • Take note of a career-oriented learning environment and actively help shape it (D, F)

  • Evaluate the quality and effect of their own career education and guidance activities (F, G)

  • Vision and policy advice

  • Expertise

  • Know the career education and guidance philosophy and objectives of their own institution (D, F)

  • Develop their own philosophy or support the team’s philosophy (derived from the institution’s philosophy) regarding career education and guidance, with ownership as the point of departure

  • Recognise their own role within the career education and guidance system

  • Know the legal frameworks regarding career education and guidance

  • Education and guidance

  • Role description

  • Provide guidance during (formative) experiences aimed at developing career competences and obtaining an insight into future educational, work or labour market perspectives, and during reflection on these experiences (A, B, D, E, F, G, K5)

  • 5 The letters in brackets refer to the documents (downloads) in which these role descriptions are described (both directly and indirectly and often in other words). See the key on page 28 and 29.
  • Hold career discussions to put young people on the road towards self-guidance and self-reliance, i.e. making positive reflection choices and taking next steps (A, B, F)

  • Monitor the progress of young people’s career processes (A, B)

  • Take action in case of difficulties during the career process and refer young people to specialist guidance counsellors (D, G, J, K)

  • Education and guidance

  • Expertise

  • Able to use the five career competences6 when conducting and supervising career education and guidance activities and career discussions

  • 6 Who am I? What do I want? What kind of work suits me? What do I want to be? Who can help me with this? Kuijpers, M., F. Meijers & J. Bakker (2006a). Krachtige loopbaangerichte leeromgevingen in het (v)mbo: hoe werkt het? (Powerful career- oriented learning environments in inter- mediate and upper secondary vocational education: how do they work?). Driebergen: HPBO.
  • Possess some knowledge about further education and the labour market (A, C, F, G)

  • Support young people during the process of positive reflection on their own actions and experiences (F)

  • Able to supervise and stimulate young people on the road towards a self-guided discovery of their talents, ambitions and suitable next steps and to link this supervision to experience-oriented practical assignments, which can be formative experiences (C, D, H, J)

  • Be mindful of signs of procrastination, choices unduly influenced by parents or peers, loss of identity, etc. and able to make these a topic of discussion (D)

  • Able to communicate effectively (both verbally and non-verbally) by listening actively, asking open and closed questions advisedly, giving and receiving future-oriented feedback in the sense of ‘feedforward’7 and using appropriate discussion techniques (e.g. giving space, confronting, advising) (C, D, F, G)

  • 7 Explanation of ‘feedforward’ in Frans Meijers (2015). Loopbaanreflectie en docenten (Careers reflection for teachers).
  • Able to encourage young people to view their ideas in a wider context and monitor feasibility and realism (C)

  • Able to supervise young people while they develop a professional identity through (formative) experiences (J)

  • Able to prepare young people for the labour market

  • Able to stimulate young people to develop and use their social networks (D)

  • Able to monitor the progress of the career process (A, B)

  • Organisation

  • Role description

  • Participate in working groups in order to develop a career education and guidance programme for the benefit of an optimal development of and choice for young people10 (F, G)

  • 8 The letters in brackets refer to the documents (downloads) in which these role descriptions are described (both directly and indirectly and often in other words). See the key on page 28 and 29.
  • Take part in professional development activities (B, C, F)

  • Base decisions regarding the design of career education and guidance on the institution’s policy and explain these decisions using valid arguments

  • Organisation

  • Expertise

  • Able to use the institution’s career education and guidance philosophy to explain his/her decisions and how they fit the development process of young people (D)

  • Able to contribute to the development of career education and guidance

  • Able to evaluate and monitor career education and guidance

  • Cooperation

  • Role description

  • Take note of information provided by institutions for previous education and use it to customise career guidance (D11)

  • 11 The letters in brackets refer to the documents (downloads) in which these role descriptions are described (both directly and indirectly and often in other words). See the key on page 28 and 29.
  • Maintain contact with and inform parents/guardians about young people’s career processes (B, D, G)

  • Supervise young people during work placements/field trips/ company assignments and maintain contact with practical super-visors and the professional field (A, B)

  • Ensure exchange of information with further education

  • Cooperation

  • Expertise

  • Investigate (career) guidance information provided by institutions for previous education (D)

  • Possess some knowledge about other educational institutions, the framework for transitioning to further education, levels, learning pathways, the labour market, etc. (D)

  • Able to inform parents about young people’s career education and guidance (G)

  • Related information:
    The letters in brackets in the above descriptions refer to the documents below (downloads) in which the role descriptions and expertise (direct/indirect and often in different terms) can be found.


    • (A) Qualifications file for upper secondary vocational education teachers
    • (B) Career education and guidance: professional development in all its shapes and sizes
    • (C) Netherlands Association of Career Guidance Professionals requirements
    • (D) Generic Knowledge Base for grade-two teacher training programmes and addendum
    • (E) Proposal to readjust the standards of teaching competence (Onderwijs-coöperatie cooperative)
    • (F) NICE Handbook for academic training of career guidance and counselling professionals
    • (G) Programme Recognition Framework: Guidance Counselling (Ireland)
    • (H) Panorama – Professionalising Career Guidance
    • (I) Basic teaching qualifications (BTQ) of the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (2008)
    • (J) Saxion’s study career counselling philosophy and requirements (April 2014)
    • (K) University job classification system (UFO) profile for study advisers

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